Thursday, September 4, 2008

Experience With Portability in Pakistan

Porting a number from Warid to Mobilink seems to be my greatest ever mistake I have ever done.

I ported my number to Mobilink though It was quite strange for them as well as this might be the first time that some one was coming to mobilink rather then going away from them.

Now I cannot recive SMS from Telenor and a few othernetworks in Pakistan

I cannot complain as i don't want the account manager to be fired and it seems he is taking too much time to get it fixed.

Yesterday I sent him an email asking bhai what happened? did you got my issue fixed. He replied I thought it would be fixed .. I asked did u follow up the case with the technical department you launched the complain with, he said we don't do this... we just raised the issue and that is it.

I clapped for him and did some nice stuff and requested him sir can you please start following up with customer and with your technical department, Specially in my case and he said sir I will try... now let's see until when he will get this fixed.

I have decided, since I am the first victim of porting in Pakistan, let's try to port to all the networks :)

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