Sunday, July 19, 2009

South Korean DID Numbers

South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea (ROK) (Korean: 대한민국 and often referred to as Korea, is a country in East Asia, located on the southern half of the Korean Peninsula. Also known as the "Land of the Morning Calm", it is neighbored by China to the west and Japan to the east, bordering North Korea to the north. Its capital is Seoul, the second largest metropolitan city in the world[3] and a major global city.[4] South Korea lies in a temperate climate region with a predominantly mountainous terrain. Its territory covers a total area of 100,032 square kilometers and has a population of almost 50 million, making it one of the most densely populated regions in the world.

DIDx now offers Local Seoul South Korean DID numbers for around $4.33 per month.

Seoul (Korean pronunciation: [sʌ.ul] ( listen)) is the capital and largest city of South Korea. With a population of over 10 million, it is one of the world's largest cities and the second largest mega city in the world.[1] The Seoul National Capital Area, which includes the major port city of Incheon and most of Gyeonggi-do, has 24.5 million inhabitants,[2] larger than the population of Australia, and is the world's second largest metropolitan area.[3] Almost half of South Korea's population live in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly a quarter in Seoul itself, making it the country's foremost economic, political, and cultural center.

So what are you waiting for? Log on to and grab your DID numbers

Standard Coverage of DIDx


Muneeb Iqbal

2 comments: said...


As a DIDX customer we can confirmthe the South Korean virtual numbers are excellent value and reliable.

Thank you didx

lucky said...

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