Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - Track your day to day expenses

I always had issues related to keeping my expenses and income streamed line, its due to I am able to manage it easily. Monthly income, day to day expenses e.t.c. The beauty of Buxfer is that it will allow you to keep budget for your monthly expenses. Example you don't want to spend more then $100 a month on your Food, define that in there and it wil automatically send you warning notification. In addition to this, weekly reports related to what you are spending.. most spending on e.t.c. Graphical demonstration, most people will say that this can be done on excel or google docs but my friends Google docs and excel wont send you Reminders that your bill is due and you need to pay it by 5th of month or your budget is this much and you are exceeding.

I have recently started using it so unaware of other features it may have but do try it out!

Muneeb Iqbal


Mehreen Kashif said...

I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Pakistan Business Directory

Unknown said...

This was very knowledgeable and interesting to use software for balancing our expenses and revenue because they always remain unbalance at the end of the day... :)